Leveraging on G20 to Encourage Responsible and Resilient Global Value Chains

A policy note capturing the discussions and proposed actions to be placed for consideration at the G20 deliberations.
India Water Stewardship Network: A multi-stakeholder platform for water security

IWSN is a key driver of water stewardship conversation in India. More awareness and participation from the industry/other stakeholders and better engagement with the government are needed.
Living Wage in Assam Tea Sector: Challenges and Possibilities in the current Indian Economic Context

To deliberate on the current macro-economic scenario in India, current challenges in the Assam tea plantation sector vis a vis ensuring living wage for plantation workers.
Promoting Circular Apparel in India through Research and Innovation

A note for the consideration of policy actors and research institutes to promote greater R&D for circular apparel in India.
Sustainable Supply Chains in Forest and Agri-linked Commodities

Understanding of what guides sustainable value chain practices amongst private sector and relevant public policies to facilitate; identification of potential multiple stakeholders.
Making Non-Financial Disclosures Matter: BRSR and its potential for driving Effective Human Rights Due Diligence

Engaging with key stakeholders and supporting companies on strengthening BRSR as an instrument for driving better integration of human rights within the value chain.
Creating a systemic change in the food system by putting the value provided by nature and people at the heart of decision-making

An action plan on how the capitals approach can be adopted by more stakeholders in business, policy and finance. Growing the network beyond the food system, and supporting the launch and start up of the Capitals Hub India.
Driving Sustainable Consumer Behaviour: Sustainability Information Disclosure

The audience has more knowledge about consumer information tools as a significant contribution to SDG12. Challenges and opportunities for policymakers, businesses, and NGOs regarding consumer information are identified, and actions to be taken are formulated.