Sustainability Information to Empower Consumers

The session aims to identify challenges and opportunities for policy makers, business and NGOs regarding consumer information and illustrate the importance of reliable and accessible consumer information as a useful tool for encouraging sustainable consumption.
VSS Contribution towards SDGs in India

The session explores the contribution of VSS to SDGs and chalks out a roadmap for VSS organisations in strengthening their contribution to SDGs.
Promoting Green and Inclusive Growth to Build Back Better post COVID

The session delves deeper into the top priorities for building back better and deliberate on the collaborations and pathways that need to be established to deliver on these priorities.
Recognising Invisible Workers in Global Supply Chains

The session focuses on advancing the dialogue on informal, hidden supply chains, where some of the most vulnerable workers toil but remain invisible. Through the session, the speakers provide insights on what steps manufacturers can take to protect workers at all levels of their supply chains.
Plenary: India Inc. Leads by Example - Responsibility in Revival

The session explores the importance of keeping Business Responsibility at the heart of revival and recovery and what role can government, industry and professional bodies play?
Is Living Wage "Relevant" and "Urgent" in the wake of COVID-19?

The session aims to initiate “difficult conversations” on the challenges and opportunities the COVID-19 global disruptor poses for sustainable livelihoods and shared prosperity under the SDGs and Decent Work Agenda.
Responsible Recruitment: A Post COVID-19 Agenda Across Supply Chains

The session shares good practices in sustainably addressing, recruitment, transportation, transfer and receiving of labourers. The session increases awareness on safeguards and safe passage given migrant workers' vulnerability to deception and coercion and the role of middlemen and recruiters in labour trafficking.
Towards a Sustainable and Circular IT & Electronics Industry

This session brings together relevant key sectoral stakeholders to discuss and identify key elements to develop the framework for incorporating principles of sustainability and environmentally sound management of electronic goods, as envisaged in the National Policy on Electronics, 2019.
Business Resilience in times of Crisis: A multi – sector Perspective on Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8)

The session aims to understand how stakeholders can address/have addressed the issue of Decent Work and how this has helped to respond to volatile, uncertain situations.
Building Sustainable Supply Chains Across Forest-Linked Commodities

The session highlights India's significant role in influencing consumption, production, and trade of forest-linked commodities and the need for deforestation/conversion-free supply chains.
Family - Friendly Policies: An Apparatus for Business Resilience & Continuity

The session looks for best practices on family-friendly or work-life in the apparel & textile industry and examines the contribution of family-friendly policies to making business resilience.
Sustainable Palm Oil Dialogue India

The session aims to build broader awareness about the subject of sustainable palm oil and the role brands and consumers can play and will further identify specific policy pointers to engage with the government.